My last post was written when I was still on summer vacation. Technically, I was home and school had started, but it was August and it felt like summer vacation. Then I venture away for what I feel like was only a moment, and here it is fully fall. There are college football games on and nights that dip into the 40s. How quickly a day, a week, a month, a lifetime slips by without notice.
So, here I am in the throes of fall trying to find gainful employment. More accurately, I am trying to “create” gainful employment. I like to carve my own niche. It seems to work out better for me that way. It’s not until I started to dive into the job search in earnest, however, that I really realized how “out of the loop” I have been. For many years I hopped from job to job often having 3 or 4 at a time. Then, I ran my own business for 7 years (and, of course did a little subbing and writing on the side – I like to multi task what can I say?) and then I quit. I quit it all. So, now here I find myself after nearly 2 years hiatus at the threshold of bringing in an income once again, and it is both exhilarating and terrifying. The information wheel seems to be spinning faster and faster and if you jump off, good luck getting back on.
There are jobs out there that I literally don’t have a clue what they are talking about in their job descriptions. This is not to say that I won’t apply for them anyway (I am kind of cocky like that), but I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed. It’s as though I just walked up to the Empire State Building and I am looking up at it wondering, “Okay, now how am I going to jump over that?” I don’t entertain the idea for an instant that I can’t or that I shouldn’t try. That is just simply not my style.
So off I go to jump over the Empire State Building, and even if I smack square into the side of it with my face maybe I will at least make the papers.